“We have a client who collects rulers, they are almost becoming redundant in this world,” says Artinsure managing director Gordon Massie.
Change is “the new normal” in the insurance broking world, said Pierre Geyer, joint MD of Hollard Broker Markets, in a recent interview with the industry magazine Cover.
Watch this week’s episode of The Insurance Apprentice to find out whether Hollard’s Lisa Foster made it to the final task of this reality show-style competition.
The Hollard-sponsored episode of this year’s The Insurance Apprentice competition is the most exciting yet. You’ll have to watch it to find out whether Hollard’s Lisa Foster and her team, Movers and Shakers, won this round.
We’ve barely recovered from hairy, prickly upper-lipped men showing their support for Movember (some Mo’s persisted well into the new year), only to find that a few thousand men will be running the streets of Jozi, the Mother City, Durban and Mbombela in the Hollard Daredevil Run, wearing nothing more than purple speedos and their pride.
Because we know specialist businesses need specialist services, provided by people who know what they are talking about, our newest niche unit focuses on all forms of liability and casualty insurance.
It’s ironic that the Daredevil Run, which raises awareness of, and money to fight, male cancers, should have its genesis in Nick Levesley’s fascination for balls. But we’re not talking testicles (not yet, anyway.)
Hollard business development manager Lisa Foster will have to work out how to foster the sharing economy to survive this week’s round of The Insurance Apprentice. To find out how well she does, watch the fifth episode, which will be released on YouTube on Friday.
Hollardite Lisa Foster remains in the running for the big prize in this year’s The Insurance Apprentice.