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Hollard Insurance Group Completes Regent Acquisition

27 Jun 2017

Hollard has cemented its place as South Africa’s second-largest short-term insurer, with the completion of its R1.8 billion acquisition of Imperial Holdings' Regent Insurance Group.

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Get Out There And Do It

20 Jun 2017

Every day you lose a little bit more of your delusional self-belief, says entrepreneur Rich Mulholland. “Whatever it is you really want to do, get out there and do it.”

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Mind The Gap!

19 Jun 2017

If your client became disabled, would their financial security be impacted?

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Competition Tribunal Green Lights Hollard’s Regent Acquisition

13 Jun 2017

The SA Competition Tribunal has approved Hollard’s purchase of Regent Insurance and Regent Life South Africa, from the Imperial Group.

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Insurance Bootcamp On Building Insurance Emphasises Brokers' Role

11 Jun 2017

If there was one message that came out of June’s Insurance Bootcamp, it was this: do your research. This bootcamp focused on building insurance. Speaker after speaker, including Hollard’s Keith Bester, head of business development in KwaZulu-Natal, emphasised that in order to help clients, brokers needed to fully familiarise themselves with changing legislation and with the details of policies.

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The Race Is On For Hollard Jacana

01 Jun 2017

Team Hollard Jacana is looking forward to the next sailing season, which starts in July. The team won the Royal Cape Yacht Club Division 1 Club Championships for an unprecedented fourth consecutive season when the first season of the year ended on 27 May 2017.

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Make Increased Regulation Work For You

22 May 2017

Insurers must be fair in making decisions on whether to insure someone’s risk, and they need to show themselves to be fair, says Danny Joffe, senior legal advisor at Hollard Broker Markets.

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Hollard Broker Markets Is In The Running For 3 FIA Awards!

16 May 2017

Hollard Broker Markets has garnered three coveted nominations in the 2017 FIA Awards!

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Bid For A Kentridge At Hollard – And Support Young Artists

18 Apr 2017

To know Hollard, is to know that Hollard loves art – South African art in particular.

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