News & Articles

Read the latest Hollard news, learn more about insurance, and get tips for reducing your risk

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Should I Get Life Insurance Or Funeral Insurance?

25 Jun 2014

Most people in South Africa choose funeral plans over life insurance because they mistakenly believe that life insurance is just an inflated type of funeral plan.

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Avoiding Car And Motorcycle Accidents

17 Jun 2014

Got your own wheels? Lucky you. Owning a car or motorcycle gives you the freedom to run your life without relying on other people for transport.

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Vehicle Insurance South Africa – Quotes: Picking The Best Deal

17 Jun 2014

You can collect vehicle insurance quotes until you’re blue in the face. But, without really knowing what you’re looking for, choosing the best one is going to be very hard.

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Should Your Insurance Quotes Dictate Which Car You Buy

17 Jun 2014

So, you’ve had the same sports car poster on your wall since you were 6 and now want the real thing? Should you buy it, or should you get insurance quotes first?

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Home And Car Insurance Quotes Online: Should You Get Them All At Once?

17 Jun 2014

Do you look for home and car insurance quotes online and choose the best quote for each item? Or, do you put all of your insurance needs under one roof?

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Funeral Plans: An Overview

21 May 2014

When a loved one passes away, it’s incredibly difficult for one to cope with the onslaught of emotion and despair.

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What Is Personal Accident And Disability Insurance?

20 May 2014

Personal accident and disability insurance is specifically created to protect your future well-being.

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5 Tips For Filling Out Insurance Quote Forms

20 May 2014

No matter how you buy your insurance – whether it’s through a broker or directly from an insurance company – you’ll need to provide certain details in order to get insurance quotes.

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Long Term Insurance

19 May 2014

Long-term insurance: a range of insurance products that provide you with an income in the long term or a lump sum of money should you become permanently disabled or pass away.

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