Women in Transport

Developing women truck drivers

A female Hollard Highway Heroes woman in transport

About Women Inspiring Women to Lead in Transport

We’re proud to be a part of WIWIT – Women Inspiring Women to Lead in Transport. This programme is dedicated to empowering women truck drivers, providing them with the skills and opportunities they need to excel within the transport industry. Historically, women truck drivers have faced an uphill battle in this male-dominated field. Despite often being safer drivers than their male counterparts, they continue to encounter significant obstacles. At Hollard, we are committed to changing this narrative. 

Hollard’s trucking division is actively contributing to WIWIT’s success. We’ve sponsored two state-of-the-art training truck trailers, equipped two training centres with 10 laptops each and granted access to Hollard’s comprehensive e-learning platform. This initiative is just the beginning. As WIWIT continues to grow, we’re committed to supporting the development of women truck drivers and future women leaders within the transport industry.

Greater female participation at all levels of the transport industry leads to safer roads and more inclusive businesses.

Our commitment to Women in Transport

We're not just talking about supporting women in transport; we're putting our words into action.

Here's how:

Training and Resources for Women Truck Drivers

We're investing in practical resources to help women truck drivers thrive.

Training trailers

We've sponsored two state-of-the-art training truck trailers.

Training centres

We've equipped two training centres with 10 laptops each, giving women access to essential technology.

E-Learning platform

We're opening doors to knowledge by providing access to Hollard’s comprehensive e-learning platform.

Need to get in touch with us?

Call Customer Care on
0861 000 107 or email 

10 FAQs about
Women in Transport

What is WIWIT?

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WIWIT stands for Women Inspiring Women to Lead in Transport, a programme aimed at upskilling female truck drivers in the transport industry.

Why focus on women truck drivers?

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Women truck drivers often face significant obstacles in a male-dominated industry, despite potentially being safer drivers. This programme aims to support and empower them.

What support does Hollard provide for women truck drivers?

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Hollard’s trucking division sponsors training truck trailers, equips training centres with laptops and provides access to an e-learning platform.

How does promoting women in transport improve road safety?

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Studies show that women are often safer drivers, leading to fewer accidents and safer roads.

What are the benefits of having more women leaders in transport?

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Women leaders bring diverse perspectives and drive innovation, making the industry more inclusive and efficient.

How can I participate in the WIWIT programme?

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For information on how to join, please contact our Customer Care.

What are the training centres equipped with?

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The training centres are equipped with 10 laptops each and access to Hollard’s e-learning platform.

What is included in the e-learning platform?

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The e-learning platform provides comprehensive training materials and resources for women truck drivers.

How is Hollard contributing to the growth of the WIWIT programme?

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Hollard continues to invest in training and resources, ensuring the programme grows and supports more women.

How can I get in touch with Hollard for more information?

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You can call our Customer Care at 0861 000 107 or email customerservice@hollard.co.za.