Fire Safety

Helping municipalities manage fire risk

Fire safety demonstrated by two firemen holding a firehose

About Fire Safety

From the dawn of civilisation, fire has posed a threat. As insurers, we at Hollard know just how destructive uncontrolled fires can be for individuals and entire communities. That’s why we take fire safety very seriously, going beyond simply providing coverage and actively working to mitigate the dangers.

We believe in shared responsibility, working with multiple municipalities to minimise both the number and severity of fires in their areas with robust fire prevention strategies. This begins with understanding the unique challenges faced by each community.

In densely populated urban centres like Tshwane and Coega the quick response to fire outbreaks is vital. Here, our focus has been a powerful partnership focused on improving the vital network of fire hydrants.

This initiative, however, is about more than just maintenance. Through this programme, we’re able to improve response times while simultaneously addressing the pressing issue of youth unemployment. We’ve employed young people from these communities to inspect, maintain and report on hydrant status, providing valuable skills and opportunities. Over 6,000 hydrants are currently included, and we aim to grow this model as its success becomes increasingly clear, creating a blueprint for other urban areas to follow.

Recognising the distinct threats in other regions, our approach adapts to specific needs. The Western Cape, known for its breathtaking beauty and thriving wine industry, is also vulnerable to the rapid spread of wildfires, often fuelled by strong winds and dry vegetation. These fires not only pose a threat to homes and businesses but they also impact precious ecosystems and vital agricultural land.

To meet this unique challenge, we've collaborated with fellow insurers in the Cape Winelands. Our collaborative sponsorship provides two firefighting helicopters and a pair of 4x4 fuel bowsers. These resources provide much-needed aerial support for swift fire suppression, limiting the devastation caused by runaway wildfires and better protecting the people and places that make this region so special.

We believe that by understanding the needs of each community and collaborating with partners, we can make a real difference in protecting lives and livelihoods from the threat of fire.

Need to get in touch with us?

Call Customer Care on
0861 000 107 or email

10 FAQs about
Fire Safety

What is Hollard’s approach to fire safety?

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Hollard partners with municipalities to reduce the frequency and severity of fires through various initiatives.

How does Hollard help with fire prevention?

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Hollard improves the condition of fire hydrants and employs young people to inspect, repaint and report damaged hydrants.

Which municipalities does Hollard partner with for fire safety?

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Hollard partners with municipalities in Tshwane, Coega and the Cape Winelands.

What specific actions has Hollard taken in Tshwane and Coega?

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Hollard has partnered with municipalities to service over 6,000 fire hydrants in these areas.

How does Hollard contribute to youth employment through fire safety initiatives?

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Hollard employs previously jobless young people to work on fire hydrant maintenance.

What support does Hollard provide in the Cape Winelands?

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Hollard sponsors firefighting helicopters and 4×4 fuel bowsers to combat wildfires.

Why does Hollard focus on fire safety?

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Fire safety aligns with Hollard's mission to protect communities and reduce the impact of uncontrolled fires.

How does Hollard plan to expand its fire safety initiatives?

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Hollard aims to extend partnerships with municipalities to have a greater impact on fire safety.

What are the benefits of Hollard's fire safety initiatives?

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These initiatives improve fire prevention infrastructure and create employment opportunities, contributing to community safety and development.

How can I contact Hollard for more information about their fire safety initiatives?

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You can contact Customer Care on 0861 000 107 or email