Daily Prices


Price Date:

Unit Trust prices are updated daily at 10am. Fund of Funds are priced each morning, so there may be a delay in updating these.

Unit Price:

These funds are not priced on a non-business day and therefore do not reflect a unit price. Prices are calculated on a net asset value (NAV) basis. The single price per unit reflects the total assets of a portfolio, less permissible deductions divided by the number of units in issue. Permissible deductions include costs related to running a portfolio, like:

  • trustee/custodian fees,
  • audit fees,
  • manager's annual service fee,
  • regional services council levies,
  • securities transfer tax and
  • Brokerage fees.

The Hollard BCI co-named funds (as defined in BN 778 of 2011) are registered under the BCI Collective Investment Scheme, managed by BCI Collective Investment Schemes Management Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd (“BCI”), a registered Collective Investment Schemes Management Company in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act 45 of 2002, supervised by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (‘FSCA’). Hollard Investment Managers (Pty) Ltd is the FSCA approved and appointed investment manager of the co-named CIS funds.

Historic Daily Prices