Hollard Funeral Cover

Give your family the gift of stress-free financial freedom

Choose Hollard Funeral Cover from R10 000 up to R75 000

Key Benefits:

Standard benefits

  • Burial repatriation benefit

This allows for transportation of policyholder to the funeral home that’s closer to their place of rest. It also covers all lives insured under the policy.

  • Airtime benefit

This provides a R250 airtime voucher at the time when each life insured person passes away. There is no waiting period.

  • Legal assistance service

For all your funeral needs and guidance for a smooth transition through the tough times, we also offer telephonic legal advice.

Optional benefits

  • Paid-up benefit

This is only available on the Elite package and it allows you to stop paying your funeral premiums when you reach 65 years old. You can also cover your partner under this benefit.

  • Memorial benefit

This pays up to R10 000 for you, as the policyholder, and partner for expenses related to the tombstone unveiling.

  • Monthly provider benefit

It covers up to R2 000 per month and also pays out cash to the beneficiary of your choice for 12 months after you or your partner pass on.

  • Moneyback benefit

As a policyholder, you’ll receive a lump sum amount of 20% of premiums, after every 5 years, provided your policy has been in place for a continuous period of 5 years at the time the pay-out is due, and all premiums have been received.

  • Premium waiver benefit

Get peace of mind. If the policyholder passes away, everyone on the policy remains covered until the policyholder would have been 65 years old, or until your benefit ends – no premiums needed.

  • Premium holiday benefit

This allows you to skip your December premium payment after the first policy anniversary, so you can live a little more.

  • Vehicle access benefit

Having a car is important, especially during tough times. This gives you a car to assist with burial arrangements for 6 days if you, the policyholder, your partner or children pass away.

Available to:

  • South African citizens

  • Permanent residents

  • Between the ages of 18 and 75

  • Must have a bank account

Hollard Holdings Pty Ltd is a licensed Controlling Company of the Hollard Insurance Group, Registration number (1972/003540/07). The Hollard Insurance Group consists of The Hollard Insurance Company Ltd and Hollard Specialist Insurance Ltd which are Licensed Non-Life Insurers and authorised Financial Services Providers; Hollard Life Assurance Company Ltd and Hollard Specialist Life Ltd which are Licensed Life Insurers and authorised Financial Services Providers, and Hollard Investment Managers (Pty) Ltd which is an authorised Financial Services Provider.